What two little frogs can teach you about life

an inspirational short story

Eric Hawkens
3 min readMar 15, 2021

Somewhere in the world, there were two frogs. These frogs were best friends, like brothers. One was green, had yellow points on him, and was fat. The other one was blue and had green points on it and was compared to the other frog really thin. But that doesn’t matter to them, they were always together looking for trouble and adventures.

One day they were jumping their way around a field and saw a farm. As they came closer they saw the big stables, dogs running around, and the cows mooing in the stables. In front of the stable was a big bucket that the farmer left there.
Curious as the two frogs were, they wanted to know what was in the bucket. But the bucket was too big to see what was inside. So they both just jumped in.

The bucket was filled with milk — but they couldn’t get out as the sides were too slippery. So they were just swimming around, and they swam, and they swam — but still couldn’t get out.

After one hour the fat frog said to his friend: “Little frog there is no use to paddling any longer. We just going to drown, we will die! It is inevitable! So we might as well give up as there is no point to keep on going, no one will come and save us. Nor will we turn into butterflies and fly away. We are doomed.”

But his friend replied: “Hold on brother, keep paddling, somebody will get us out eventually as long as we don’t give up we won’t drown and we can’t die”

And so they continued paddling for hours…

As the sun started to go down the fat frog said: “I can’t go on any longer, there is no sense in doing it because we are going to drown anyway. What’s the use? I have given up already…”

And the fat frog stopped swimming. He gave up and drowned in the milk and died.

The thin frog was devastated by the loss of his best friend, that he knew since they were born in a small pond in the woods. He couldn’t hold back his tears but was more determined than ever. So he started paddling even faster and faster than his body was riddled with pain.

Around midnight he noticed that he had slowly turned the milk into butter because he was paddling so hard and for so long that he was finally able to jump out of the bucket.

He let out a joyous yell and jumped back into the woods. — He was alive. He had made it. But, he was also sad because he lost his best friend. He knew he wasn’t able to help him because once his friend made the decision to give up, he was doomed…

Years later the thin frog married a beautiful frog lady and had a lot of little frog sons and daughters. He named his sons after his best friends to keep his memory alive and because he missed him so dearly. And every night before sleep, he will tell his children the story of the fat frog who gave up so that the little frogs would never give up because as long as you don’t give up, you can’t lose.



Eric Hawkens

Interested in story telling and inspiring stories for business and leadership